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It’s been quite a week at Sunninghill, with three Sports Days, two concerts, our ‘move up day’, trips out and a Summer Fayre!

In our final assembly of the year, our Young Leaders gave a fantastic presentation on the charities they have supported this year, with the help of Mrs Johnstone. We celebrated Violet, Juliette S, Alice D and Amelia for their Academic Excellence and George, Frank, Sonny and Guy for their hard work this week. William, Benjamin and James were also awarded their sailing certificates. Well done to you all.

Congratulations also to all pupils who took part in the Senior Informal Music Concert and our Form 8 Leaver’s Concert. You all performed with such confidence and there was not a dry eye in the house after the Form 8’s performed on Friday night! Well done to all pupils involved and my thanks once again to Mrs Nolan-Stone and all the music department for their support of our very talented Sunninghill musicians.

On the subject of music, congratulations to Dexter and Daisy for passing their ABRSM Grade 5 Theory exam this term. We are incredibly proud of their achievements. At only 10 years old, Daisy is in fact the youngest pupil to have achieved this at Sunninghill! It is a very challenging exam and they worked so hard to achieve these results. Over the last 2 years, 8 pupils have achieved Grade 5 theory and we must say a huge thank you to Mr Vanburgh who, as part of our enrichment programme, offers theory lessons to all pupils.

More congratulations to Mrs Evans who is the proud mummy of 8 baby quail chicks who all hatched in our science lab this week! All the children have been to visit the new additions, who will be leaving us next week to live with Mrs Evans and her family!

As an end of term treat, Forms 1 and 2 went to Weymouth to the Pirate Adventure Golf. This trip linked with their golf enrichment activity this term, and they all had a fabulous time!

Perhaps the main focus of our week however, were our 3 incredible Sports Days. Our Reception and Nursery superstars began the week with an incredible Sports Day. They hurtled through the hurdles, speeded around the track and, miraculously, not a single egg was dropped during the egg and spoon! They were brilliantly behaved, had so much fun, and made everyone so proud – all very worthy winners of their medals. All the parents and children enjoyed a picnic on the lawn at the end of the Sports Day which was such a lovely treat.

Next up, on Wednesday, was the Junior Prep Sports Day. A fantastic morning with some fabulous performances in the running, hurdles and relay races, the egg and spoon, and our favorite, the waiter race!

Senior Prep Sports Day followed in the afternoon. Pupils excelled at the track and field events, and showed both fantastic talent and superb sportsmanship as they cheered each other along and celebrated each others successes. Seeing the support from the whole school community of Charlie’s winning high jump will be one of my lasting memories of this academic year. We were delighted to welcome our surprise guest – former pupil and Bath Rugby player, Orlando Bailey, who helped me present the medals.

Taking the house points from the Junior Prep Sports Day into account, Maumbury were the overall Sports Day champions.

My thanks to all the Form 8s who helped with the younger children, and to all the parents who came to support today and for the huge number that took part in the parent races too! It really has been a great sporting week.

This very busy week was finished off by our PTFA Summer Fayre which was a wonderful afternoon. We were delighted to welcome current families as well as lots of new families who will be joining the Sunninghill family soon. All the classes ran their stalls superbly, and our Form 8’s did brilliantly selling their products as part of their Lion’s Lair school project, with all profits going to charitable causes. The Fun Dog Show was a great success with very stiff competition.

Thank you to our staff and PTFA for all their organisation before the event, and for setting everything up on the day so that the event ran so smoothly. The Summer Fayre is our largest school event and is always a huge team effort. I am told by our Treasurer that we have made a record amount of money which is very exciting. Although Mr Stazicker might not agree, we are also very grateful to Gary Hamlin, who made us some stocks to use for all our future summer fayres.

I’ll leave you with some photos of our lovely event!

Best wishes


David Newberry

Author David Newberry

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