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What a difference a day makes. After a soggy World Book Day yesterday, children were happy to be able to play outside in the sunshine at break today. We did not let the weather dampen our enthusiasm however and World Book Day inspired activities permeated all areas of the curriculum including PE, music and history lessons! The Book Fayre was very popular as you can see, and children clearly enjoyed sharing their favourites with their friends. A special assembly provided an opportunity to admire costumes and watch a hotly fought competition. Mrs Fernley our Head of English and Mrs O’Donnell our librarian headed up the teams. Charlie in Form 8 was on the score board.

The Ukraine situation continues to shake us all and we have been overwhelmed with the generosity of the whole Sunninghill Community. The donations were loaded onto our school minibuses today to be dropped off at a local collection point. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Mrs King has been talking with Form 5 and 7 pupils this week about the crisis as part of their PSHCE programme. Keen to show their support, children have written cards using a Cyrillic script to send along with the donations.

Staff were keen to start choir rehearsals for the Easter Service there are just three chances to learn the song but they always manage to sound fantastic under Mr Vanburgh’s watchful eye.

It was the turn of Form 7 to give their class assembly this morning. Parents were in to support the class and the chosen theme this week was ‘coping with pressure’. The irony was not lost on Form 7 tutor, Mr Willemse, and myself as we grappled with the sound system which had decided to stop working just minutes before!

As I write this, out of my window I can see Mrs Sleightholme running across the sports field in a pancake tossing race with early years children. There is never a dull moment at Sunninghill!

Have a lovely weekend.

Nancy Sewed

Author Nancy Sewed

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