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It has been a very busy week at Sunninghill. On Tuesday, we were invited to take our senior string players for a workshop with The De Kooning String Ensemble at Bryanston School. The pupils received coaching from members of the ensemble plus Bryanston staff. The day culminated in a wonderful concert for parents that involved over 70 string players. It was an extremely rewarding and inspiring day and pupils all thoroughly enjoyed themselves, especially the lunch! They bumped into some of our past pupils, including Erin P who is studying double music and thoroughly enjoying being part of the Bryanston music department. Thank you to Mrs Nolan-Stone for organising our attendance at this Bryanston Strings Day and also to Mrs Moss who stepped in at the last minute to support the musicians.

On Wednesday, I was lucky enough to be part of the Form 7 and 8 trip to The Globe in London to see a production of Macbeth. As usual, Mrs Fernley’s organisation was meticulous, right down to the perfect sunny weather! Children were enthralled throughout and I think the design of the theatre played a large part in this. It was a special event and it felt as though we were transported back in time to the days of the Bard himself!

Mrs Thorpe brought her 6 week old Cavapoochon puppies into school on Thursday and Forms 1 and 2 were totally captivated by them. I think it is fair to say it was quite stressful for her keeping an eye on them all as they explored the classroom and I was not convinced that our receptionist, Mrs Bushnell, was ever going to give hers back!

As part of our PSHE programme, on Thursday, we welcomed Vanessa Henrys into school to talk to our Form 7 and 8 about online safety. She normally comes into school to carry out our staff safeguarding training but we knew her background as an ex-police officer, combined with her safeguarding expertise, would be beneficial for our children. Her talk was extremely informative and covered the risks as well as the positives of internet use. Vanessa also tackled the more difficult topics such as ‘county lines’, extremism and radicalization. Thank you to Mrs King for organising this event.

The PTFA held their AGM at school this week and I must thank everyone who gave up their time to help plan the up-coming school events. It was a very productive meeting and announcements regarding key dates will follow shortly. Kerry was very generous with the catering for us and it quickly became an impromptu social!

I also met with the Class Reps this week. The Class Reps form an important role in school, relaying information from school to parents as well as highlighting any issues (or thank-you messages!) from within their class. It was a useful and I am grateful for the reps support of the school.

The Junior Prep Informal Music Concert was a real success last night and I was delighted to see so many Form 1 pupils performing at the event. Musicians were ably supported by Mrs Nolan-Stone, Mr Vanburgh and our fabulous peripatetic music teachers – it was impossible to highlight a favourite moment. Well done to all our performers!

Today is Mrs Beasley’s last day in school as she goes off on maternity leave. Whilst we await the exciting news of the safe arrival of ‘Baby Beasley’, she can rest up in the knowledge that the Nursery will be well looked after by Mrs Pitman.

The ever popular ‘Sunninghill’s Got Talent’ competition returns on Friday 25th March at 6pm. Mrs Nolan-Stone tells me that tickets are available from Reception and the PTFA are kindly organising a bar on the night. Should be fun!

Mrs Sleightholme has reminded me to thank our parents for their tremendous generosity in supporting the recent Book Fair. Ruby Lee of Jurassic Books was a fabulous host and the children loved seeing the dinosaur skull! The event raised an incredible £702 for the school and this money will all go on the purchase of new books.

Lastly, next Friday is Comic Relief and we will be supporting the event with a ‘wear something red’ non-uniform day. Form 7 are planning to boost our fundraising by holding a special cake sale so remember your 50ps!

Have a lovely weekend.

Nancy Sewed

Author Nancy Sewed

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