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Last week I wrote about the fabulous assembly led by our wonderful Reception class for their first ever assembly. Today, I felt equally emotional as our current Form 8’s led their very last assembly! Some of our Form 8’s – Freddie, Rex, Iris and Katy – have actually been with us since they were in the baby room at Nursery! I wish I had a ‘then and now’ photo! What is so wonderful to see is the magical connection between our Form 8 children and our Reception children, who can be seen playing together at every morning break. I know Reception will miss the Form 8’s so much!

In assembly today, Form 8’s gave a wonderful talk on their Spanish residential, sharing funny stories from the trip, describing what events they enjoyed most, and how much Sunninghill has helped them grow in confidence. It sounds like it was an amazing trip, and one they will hopefully treasure in their memories forever.

This morning we celebrated our well done winners – Olivia, Toby, Beau M, Daisy, Finlay and all of Form 4. Our Academic Excellence Cup winners went to Romeo, George, James, Heidi and Henry W. Finally, Elsie and Louis N won the Commitment Award, Sofia C and Violet the Compassion award, Harry S and Abbas the Courage award and Mila and Mina the Creativity award. Louis N received his bronze award for his reading challenge and perhaps most exciting of all is that 4 children have received the Headmasters award for gaining 250 house points since September! This is an incredible achievement as this is very rare for children to receive this badge. Well done to Juliet M-H, Orlando, Grace and Mina!

Form 7 have had a wonderful trip to the Brecon Beacons They have been camping, hiking, abseiling and canyoning, and even paid a visit to Cardiff International for some white water rafting at the end of their trip! My thanks, as ever, to the staff who take the children on our residentials, who look after them so brilliantly and give them these amazing experiences. Thank you Mr Rich and Mrs Telfer, and for Mr Stazicker who organises all our trips. Our thanks also to Rock and Rapid Adventures who run the activities for the children. We always have such lovely feedback from the instructors about how well behaved our children are – and that makes me a very proud Head!

This week has been a good week for games! Our U13 team won their last cricket match of the season, and their last cricket match for Sunninghill! On Wednesday a group of our Form 3 and Form 4 pupils attended the Active Dorset School Games event, held at Bryanston School. Our pupils were in involved in the racket skills festival, where they played against 9 other schools; tennis games, tennis skills and pickle ball. They all played brilliantly and they had so much fun! I would like to thank Mr Willemse who has organised such a huge number of matches this year for pupils from Form 3- Form 8. There have been so many fantastic opportunities for our children and I am extremely proud of the inclusive sport we have at Sunninghill. I am particularly enjoying looking out of my office window and seeing the amount of practice that is going on in preparation for Sports Day in a couple of weeks!

Reception have been reading the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. In the book, the seagulls kept stealing his lunch – and his wife’s solution? Mustard sandwiches! The class have been writing about the story, and producing some fantastic artwork – beautiful lighthouses and seagulls! To end this piece of work, Mrs Thorpe and Mrs Culshaw arranged a lovely picnic in the grounds – with not a mustard sandwich in sight!

In Form 4 today, Sholto’s grandfather, James, came in to join the end of their English unit on Persuasive adverts. The children in Form 4 have designed their own eco-friendly products and created a written advert and also performed a TV advert. James came to help us celebrate all our achievements and give them valuable feedback and answered their questions about the world of advertising.

It is wonderful seeing the children enjoying playing in the sunshine at long last! Next week, we have our Junior Prep Summer Music Concert to look forward to. We also have our swimming gala on Friday, and I have fingers and toes crossed that we will be enjoying another lovely sunny day!

Enjoy your weekend!


David Newberry

Author David Newberry

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