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We were thrilled to hear of the safe arrival of Miss Blair’s baby on Friday 24th September. She weighed in at 6lbs 9oz and her name is Arabella. We are all looking forward to her visit to school next week and Mrs Thorpe is already busy knitting a present for her!

Yesterday I couldn’t help but notice Mrs Culshaw was sporting tartan tights. It turns out that Form 2’s topic has a Scottish theme and is based around the story of Katie Morag. Mrs Thorpe also donned her tartan dress for the occasion. The photos show children painting tartan prints ready to make kilts with hairy legs poking out of the bottom for a classroom display. Whatever next!

Following their visit to Portland, Form 2 made a 3D map of the Isle of Struay and their Friday enrichment entailed Scottish country dancing and listening to bagpipes. Their harbour paintings were inspired by the work of Paul Bursnall with beautiful results. Children were rewarded for all this hard work with homemade Scottish shortbread.