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This morning I was absolutely delighted to start my morning with a fabulous assembly from Form 1, which was a play of Little Red Riding Hood. Apart from the message of not talking to strangers (or trusting wolves!), their play also showed us the importance of compassion and courage – two of our core school values. The children worked so hard rehearsing and learning their lines, and gave an absolutely fantastic performance.

Our Academic Excellence winners this week were Mina, Tabitha, Amelia J, Sholto, Amelka, Harvey and Iris. Well Done winners this week were Elsie, Emily R, Mabel, Heidi and Louis C. Congratulations to you all.

Finally the most house points for compassion went to Izzy and Ivy, Agatha ad Romeo for courage, Grace and Vira for creativity and Juliet and Sasha for commitment.

Tomorrow is our Open Morning and we are so excited that we have 33 families booked in for a tour! We are looking forward to show off our new nursery room for 2-3 year olds to our younger visitors! We have had builders in school for 3 weeks now – and it is already quite a transformation from what was our music room a few weeks ago!

I was also extremely excited this afternoon to be called out to see the first trip in our electric car! The children have built this car from scratch during their enrichment activity. The children were thrilled to actually drive around the grounds this afternoon, but not as excited as Mrs Telfer who has worked so hard with several groups over the past few months! My thanks to her for her patience and perseverance! She has definitely shown a lot of commitment!

This week was National Storytelling week, and I was delighted to hear that several of our Early Years parents came into Nursery and Reception to share their favourite story with our children. They loved having these stories read to them, so thank you for coming in and making this a special week!

Next week we have our Internet Safety awareness week, our Wind and Brass Day and of course the end of a very busy half term.

Have a wonderful weekend!
