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It has been beautiful weather here today and we seem set for a glorious weekend. The rockery at school is full of colour and I can hear copious laughter outside my window as the children enjoy running around in the sunshine. I will definitely be getting out walking locally tomorrow with my beloved 10 year old beagle, ‘Bubbles’!

My thanks to Mrs Smith for looking through the Safer Internet Day competition entries and choosing winners from both Junior and Senior Prep, along with, second place for each of these age groups and runners up awards. (Prize winners have been notified via Seesaw).

Congratulations go to:

Senior Prep
Winner – Andreas (Form 5)
Second place – Bea (Form 8)
Runners up – Mirabelle and Carolina (Form 6)

Junior Prep
Winner – Harry H (Form 3)
Second place – Violet (Form 3)
Runners Up – Abel and Amelka (Form 3)

We are currently making plans for the March 8th return of all pupils to school and Mrs Wilson has already asked me about opening the swimming pool when it is safe to do so (probably still a little bit chilly for outside swimming!)

Lastly, I really enjoyed looking at the chocolate brownies made by Mrs Thorpe’s home school baking class. I have included a few for you to enjoy!

Have a lovely weekend.