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It has been a great first whole week in school. This morning we were treated to a special music assembly where each of our peripatetic teachers entertained us with their musical talents. The event was organised by our director of Music Mrs Nolan-Stone to showcase the diverse range of musical instruments and singing lessons on offer to our children.

After assembly, Polina and Sam, our Head Boy and Head Girl for this term, handed out the first ‘Well Done’ certificates of the year. Children enjoyed Mr Willemse’ new take on the house point prize draw by making it a lucky dip!

Our school grounds are looking beautiful at the moment and on a walk with my dog I discovered Form 8 girls in their new meeting spot on the new bench under the liquid amber tree. It turns out Albi is a bit of a dog whisperer and Bubbles the beagle was happy to lean against him for a photo! Being a scent hound, she did well to stay sitting because in the background Oliver from Form 6 had brought out the biggest chocolate birthday cake I have ever seen. You can see him sharing it out with his class!

Teachers all like to take learning outside when possible and Mrs Fernley took her Form 6 English class to work under the tress this week.

Our safeguarding team decided it was time to update their board and pose for a new photo under the walnut tree.

Break came a few minutes earlier than expected today when the fire alarm went off. It was just a drill thankfully but particularly useful for all our new children and staff.

Our extracurricular programme is always popular and we have plenty of off-site activities on offer each Friday afternoon. Last week Mr Stazicker and I enjoyed taking Form 7 bouldering at Rockburn in Bridport, Form 5 went on an exciting river walk. Clubs start again in earnest next week.

Have a good weekend.