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Last week, was ‘Mental Health Awareness’ week and the theme this year is Loneliness. I know Mr Stazicker discussed it in Friday’s Blog about sailing. During the pandemic and resulting lockdowns, many children and adults felt isolated and cut off from friends and family.

Mrs King, our Wellbeing Co-ordinator, has been looking at ways of combating loneliness in PSHCE lessons with Forms 5-8. Pupils discussed ideas such as keeping in touch with friends online and using kind words to support others.  Mental Health was also the topic of our whole school assembly this morning.

It was the whole school photo and class photos on Tuesday.  The weather was wet in the morning but I am pleased to say it rallied in time for the main photo.

I was very sorry to miss the excellent Form 2 class assembly on Friday as I was at a Strategy Day with our Governors, the Bursar and our incoming Head, Mr Newberry.

It was useful to have this opportunity to pool our expertise and explore new ideas and opportunities together for the benefit of our pupils. Mrs Thorpe has promised that the assembly was recorded and I am looking forward to seeing the Form 2 dance complete with Bee costumes!

Friday was a very busy day. A whole school World Culture Day was organised by our school council and it proved a huge success. All the children enjoyed celebrating cultural diversity, there was such fantastic buzz around the school all day. A special thanks goes to our ever-creative catering staff for organising the most spectacular banquet of foods from all around the world. The menu included:

  • Mexican tortilla chips
  • Indian spiced cauliflower
  • Mango salsa from South Asia
  • Greek olives
  • Dutch coleslaw
  • Caribbean rice

On Friday evening we ended the week with a Formal Music Concert. It took place in the drawing room and was the most perfect of evenings. We all felt privileged to be there to hear the children play and sing at such a high standard. Mrs Nolan-Stone, our Director of Music was extremely proud of all the performances and I must also thank Mrs Baker, Mr Vanburgh and Mr Garden for supporting the children on the night.

I have plenty of photos for you to browse through and I do not mind admitting I shed a tear twice; the performances were so moving! Congratulations to everyone involved.