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The Spring term is well and truly in full swing, our new children are settling very well, our nursery is very busy as we welcome lots of new families as they have their settling in sessions, and we have now had a full week of clubs – from kick boxing, to ski-ing, musical theatre to archery. This is in addition to the many 4 C’s lessons that we have and all the enrichment activities that happen on a Friday. Many of the children are involved in Aladdin rehearsals on a Friday afternoon and it is great to hear how it is taking shape.

This morning it was wonderful to start the day in our assembly with a practice of one of our Aladdin songs ‘Arabian Nights’, as the children prepare for our whole school production, that is just a couple of months away. Judging by the standard of the singing and choreography on display already, it is going to be a fabulous production, and I can’t wait!

We talked about who, this week, has inspired us – the answers were fellow pupils, teachers and even footballers! It is so important to always be on the lookout for inspirational people in our every day lives.

Our Academic Excellence winners this week were Alfie, Sandro, Beatrix, Agatha and Rosa. Well Done Certificates were awarded to Gabriel AJ, Felix, Ollie, Rosie, Baxter, Albie and Amelia. This week our Compassion awards went to Elodie and Felix, our Courage awards to Charlie and Baxter, our Creativity awards to Henry and Lottie and Commitment awards to Tessie and Joni. We also had a lot more children gain their bronze and silver house point badges. Finally we had some new levels reached in our literacy Gold, Mila reached Blue level, Felix and Amelka reached yellow level, Max reached red level, Fin and Louis Orange and Millie green. Well done to you all.

On Saturday, 24 of our boys and girls attended ‘Super Saturday’ at Exeter Chiefs Premier League Rugby Club. The children had a tour of the grounds, including the changing rooms where they saw the players kit all set out. They got to see the gym and the hydrotherapy pool and they then had a training session with the Exeter squad players and coaches. Before the game they went on the pitch to perform a guard of honour and had the opportunity to run round the pitch at half time too! The children were brilliantly behaved and really enjoyed the match, particularly as they were handed Bordeaux flags from some very enthusiastic French fans – who were thrilled to have Sunninghill supporting their (victorious) team!

Next week, between 24th and 26th January, is the ‘Big Garden Birdwatch 2025’. We are asking all our families to spend 1 hour watching the birds in your ‘patch’ next weekend and record the birds that land in your garden. Sadly we have lost 38 million total bird population over the last 60 years, so the survey is designed to see how our birds are faring in the UK. Last year, over half a million people took part in this survey, which is now the worlds largest garden wildlife survey.

Last year sparrows were the most commonly seen birds and we can’t wait to see what the most popular birds are this year. Mr Stazicker will be holding an assembly next week to encourage all our children to take part so please support them at home.

In preparation for this event, Liz has been working with nursery and junior prep gardening club making bird feeders which they have all absolutely loved doing!

On the subjects of birds, Form 4 enjoyed a ‘sounds’ tour of the school and grounds this week, listening and noting all the different sounds they could hear around the school grounds, as part of their science studies.

I hope you all have a wonderful and restful weekend.


David Newberry

Author David Newberry

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