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Happy New Year and welcome back to all our Sunninghill Community!

It has been lovely to see you all after the Christmas break – it sounds like everyone had a super holiday. In our assembly this week we welcomed 4 new children to the prep school – Millie and Tessie in Form 2, Baxter in Form 5 and Albie in Form 6. This month we also welcome 22 new children to our ever expanding nursery. We are delighted to have you all and hope you will be very happy in our Sunninghill family. During assembly we also reflected on our favourite events of the Autumn Term and what our new year and new goals may be. I may have admitted that I am toying with the idea of entering the Weymouth Half Marathon again this year – watch this space!

Our well done winners this week were Grace, George R, Samson, Toby, Ollie, Sonny H, Beau, Hamo Nikolas, Daisy, Millie, Tessie and all of Reception for having a brilliant start to the new term.

This week we welcomed our new Heads of School, Millie and Albi, who we know will provide wonderful support to myself and all the staff at Sunninghill, and will be great role models to the rest of the school. Congratulations to you both. Thank you also to Scarlett and Louis for their amazing work as Heads of School in the Autumn Term.

It was lovely to have a bit of snow again this week – not enough to be too disruptive – but quite fun to play matches in, as demonstrated by our Senior Prep boys during their hockey against Sherborne!

Congratulations to Joni, Finlay and Lottie who were shortlisted for the DOMVS Storyhouse Writing Competition. The first line of the story had to be ‘I can’t believe I left the door open…’. Out of 141 entries, all 3 children were ranked in the top 18 by Lord Julian Fellowes, and his wife Lady Fellowes. A fantastic achievement!

We have so much to look forward to this term – especially with our whole school production of Aladdin! Rehearsals are in full swing and the children are very excited! I am also really looking forward to the PTFA Burns Night on Saturday 25th January. I am hoping many of you are able to join in the fun on that evening!

Tomorrow I am off to Exeter Chiefs with Mr Willemse, Mr Staziker and a group of our children to take part in a rugby training session at the club, followed by a stadium tour and then to watch the match! I can’t wait!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


David Newberry

Author David Newberry

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