Our school grounds look beautiful at this time of year in the bright, frosty autumn weather.
At break yesterday, I couldn’t help but smile at the sight out of the window of children having fun heaping piles of fallen leaves at each other. Mrs Baker was an excellent sport, and allowed herself to be made into a leafy mermaid!
This Friday, we are looking forward to the first class assembly of the year. Form 3 are busy rehearsing and very excited to be able to share what they have learnt about The Romans. We sneaked a peak at them practising their performance today in the hall.
Looking further ahead, the PTFA Christmas Fayre will be on Thursday 2nd December from 7-9pm.
Tickets will be available to purchase through your Class Rep @ £2 each, under 16 free.
Entrance includes mulled wine and there will be lots of prizes. It is always a great evening to get you in the festive spirit and shop for some original gifts!