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Mandy and I were delighted to see our newest recruits getting a bit of free press today. The picture shows the Reception class starting school for the first time. Just half of this class are in school at the moment. They are the very best children to chat to in school as they are totally oblivious of what’s going on beyond a distance of 5m away from them. They live in the moment and chatter away, full of the joys of life.

During today I popped in to join a Form 7/8 English lesson with Mrs fernley this morning. I was very impressed with the range of technologies used and how well all the group were interacting. I also visited Form 2 where Mrs King was engrossed in reading a wonderful story – once we’d all overcome technology issues!

I have also been doing some virtual teaching myself – I thought a touch of colour might add a bit of joy to the lesson!

By now I hope you have all read and seen the changes made to home and school teams next week. We will keep evolving as the weeks pass by, making sure the quality of delivery and standard of learning keeps improving.

Can I sign off with a very polite request regarding teachers. You will appreciate they are all burning the midnight oil at the moment whilst trying to sometimes juggle the home schooling of their own children or the care of elderly family members. Rest and recuperation will be very important for them (and of course you) during these times of stress. Unless it is an emergency will you try not to contact them Monday to Friday beyond 6pm or at weekends and also to not post lots of work on Seesaw over the weekend. This way they will all maintain their brilliance and vitality throughout the term.