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Lots of school pings have been zooming across the ethernet today – apologies if you feel there has been an overload. I never quite know whether to send one large message and risk information getting buried or send several smaller documents and risk you becoming desensitised.

It all amounts to a more than usually untidy desk and frequent supplies of Yorkshire Tea in a heretic PG tips cup. Other brands are available but aren’t as good.

Either way I hope you have managed to gather the changes we have made to make school life safer via smaller bubble size and home learning more nourishing and enriching via an extended curriculum with more live lessons.

I did stress the need for parents to make positive decisions regarding how long your child can interact with live learning before needing fresh air and exercise.

One important school ping went to class reps to organise our first virtual meeting of the new year. It will take place next Tuesday 19th January at 3pm. Do please forward any points of clarification you may wish to receive. It would also be great to have some positive feedback on ways in which we are making a big difference. Every smile counts double at the moment!