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Although we are officially in Autumn now, I am still slightly kidding myself that we have a little more Summer to enjoy! In between huge downpours this week, I have enjoyed seeing the children on the lawn drawing during their art lessons, watching the children sailing at the Portland Sailing Academy and tonight I am looking forward to what will probably be my last BBQ of the year, as we hold our Welcome Back BBQ!

Last night I had the pleasure of watching the sailing after school which included some of our Form 3’s who could join the Thursday evening sailing club for the first time.  It was a wonderful evening, and I was also incredibly proud of Scarlet and Leo, our outdoor education prefects – Leo was ably demonstrating sailing into the slipway, and Scarlett helped all the children get ready, even though she was not sailing herself this week.  The children all did brilliantly well and the weather was fabulous!

On Wednesday we had the first of our trips, as Form 4 enjoyed a wonderful visit to Dorchester museum as part of their science topic. The children learnt about habitats, including microhabitats and they used magnifying glasses to explore different minibeasts. They enjoyed being able to look so closely at these creatures. They talked about evolution and how animals adapt to their environment and they ended their visit by making their own field journals which they will use to observe different animals and their habitats around the school. Mrs Gough was very proud of all the children and said that they listened so well and were very enthusiastic. What great ambassadors for our school.

On Wednesday Form 5 also had an afternoon climbing at Seal’s Cove, as part of our outdoor education programme. They all had a fantastic time and impressed Mr Butcher and their instructor with their skills and positive attitude.

In sport, we held our first fixtures this week, with matches against Clayesmore school. Mr Willemse says that the U10 and U11’s who played Clayesmore at home, showed improved passing and shooting skills. The U8s and U9s had their first fixture of the year at Sunninghill and the spirit of the game was excellent and the support from the home crowd was wonderful! They were also very excited for their first match tea! Meanwhile the U12 and U13 teams, who played Clayesmore’s A, B and C teams enjoyed 2 wins and a draw which was fabulous! Some great play with impressive teamwork from our seniors.

Back in school, Reception class had their first tennis lesson this week with the teachers from the local tennis club. They all really enjoyed it and are working on developing their key skills.

This week I have had meetings with Scarlett and Louis, our new Head Girl and Head Boy and also with Natty and Amelia, our 4 C’s Ambassadors. I was delighted to hear their ideas and I am excited to be working with them all this term. This morning Mr Stazicker who led our assembly this morning, awarded our first 4 C’s awards for our school values of Commitment, Harvey and Juliet M for Commitment, Felix C and William for Courage, Lottie and Grace A for Creativity and Rosa and Tabi for Compassion. Well done to you all.

Our Assembly this morning focused on one of our school values – compassion. We looked at the Paralympics to show how many people were involved in helping these outstanding athletes achieve their very best. We discussed the importance of giving and expecting nothing in return, and how the giving of kind words and actions cost nothing. We also discussed the importance of gratitude and thanking those that help us and are kind to us. Our Well done winners for this week were all of Reception for a great start to school, Samson, Grace, Beatrix, Charlie and Oscar for a fantastic start at Sunninghill in their forms. Well done also to AJ, Sofia A, Juliette S, Rosie N-S and Form 6 who were all Well Done Winners this week! A great start to the year!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Best wishes
