Soloist Virtual Concert
Yesterday evening, I enjoyed watching our children play and sing at a soloist virtual concert organised by Mrs Moss and our dedicated peripatetic teachers. It takes a great deal of confidence to play to a live audience ‘online’, with the additional worry of those ‘technical difficulties’ that invariably occur. Well done to everyone involved.
National Day of Reflection
I am fortunate to be able to walk to work each morning through Borough Gardens and along the walks. Yellow ribbons now mark the way to commemorate the National Day of reflection in support of those that have been directly affected by the pandemic. On Tuesday, Mrs Culshaw took the Form 1 children into our garden to tie yellow ribbons around a memorial tree.

Rotary Young Writers Competition
Sunninghill pupils have excelled once more in this year’s Rotary Young Writers Competition. The title for 2020 was “My Happiest Day” and the competition was open to all local schools. Casterbridge Rotary Club very generously organised and judged the competition, and they also provided book tokens as prizes to our winners. In the Intermediate Age Group, Poppy S was awarded first prize; in the Junior Age Group, Alexander B won first Prize, Felix S second prize and Charlie F won third: a ‘clean sweep’ for our school in this age group.
We were, moreover, very pleased to welcome Mr Rowland Cornell to the gravel to make the awards and to present him with a token of our thanks. Rowland has supported both the pupils and Mrs Fernley with his advice and encouragement over the last ten years, during which the English curriculum has been enriched by Rotary public speaking events and writing competitions.
The children have certainly worked hard this half term and are looking forward to a well-earned break. Next term, we have plenty to look forward to, with larger teaching ‘bubbles’ facilitating the return of more specialist teaching in art, music, science and languages. Clubs and Prep Club will also return. Teachers are already busy reconstructing classrooms and preparations to reopen our outside heated swimming pool are now well under way. (More details will be sent out during the holidays when Government guidelines are released.)
Easter Celebration
At this time of year, we would normally be ending the term with a music filled church service. For obvious reasons, this had to become a virtual Easter celebration, and I am pleased to say the whole school were involved. We are grateful to Mrs Moss and Mr Sleightholme for putting this together. If you have not had a chance to see it yet, the link is here.
Lastly, do not forget to put your clocks forward this weekend. Spring is definitely on its way at Sunninghill as demonstrated by our wonderful magnolia tree which is in full flower at the moment.

Wishing you all a lovely Easter break.
Nancy Sewed