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I am delighted to share the news that Astral N in Form 8 has won a music scholarship to Bryanston School. His instruments are the violin and piano. Astral’s potential was quickly spotted and nurtured by his music teachers when he arrived at Sunninghill just 2 terms ago. We are grateful to Bryanston School who have been incredibly supportive at fast tracking his scholarship application through. Well done, Astral, we are proud of you!

Mrs Evans’ sunflower growing competition is flourishing.  Nursery, Reception, Forms 1 & 2 have all been tending their sunflower plants since early spring when the seeds were given to each class. Liz, our Head Gardener, helped the children to plant them. Mrs Evans tells me she is going to give the plants 1 more week so that they are in flower before judging the tallest. The winner will be announced in assembly next week and receive a prize!

I must thank the PTFA who were in school this morning prepping for the Summer Fayre tomorrow. The drawing room is awash with cakes and jolly jars – a big thank you to parents who have been so generous.

Yesterday, as part of our Highly Able program, we took part in the ‘Crack the Code’ live challenge organized by Sherborne Senior Schools. This is what the team members Albi, Georgie, Harvey, Ren Ren, Scarlett and Tina thought about their experience:

Code Cracking Review

‘First, we wore blue code cracking t-shirts and we got to keep them! Then we Zoom called different schools and there were a few technical problems to overcome so we had to sort them out first: they were along the lines of not being able to put our answers in the chat.

We completed maths tasks first: we were given sheets with questions on them and we had to solve the question to find the word. Each answer to the questions meant a different letter which were used to spell out a word.

Next up was the languages challenge. We had to translate sentences in Amba and Bambara into English and other languages. They gave us clues on the screen as we translated the sentences. There were only ten clues and they gave us one minute to look at them before they move on to the next clue. There were extra questions after translating the sentences. Then at the end we congratulated other schools and they did it back. Finally, we did a shout-out at the end!’

Albi, Georgie, Harvey, Ren Ren, Scarlett, Tina

After school it was the turn of Junior Prep to showcase their music lesson progress in an informal concert. It was a great event with some solid performances from musicians and singers. As usual, Will B-K closed the concert, this time on his electric guitar!

I hope to see you at the Fayre tomorrow, I’ll be bringing an umbrella just in case!