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As it is our Summer Fayre this Saturday, preparations are beginning to ramp up in school. Liz has been busy in the garden preparing salad pots and baskets with the children to sell on a stall.

Congratulations to our young musicians who have worked so hard on their theory exams. We were delighted to hear that Albi in Form 5 has been awarded a Distinction in his music theory. This year Mr Vanburgh started a new music theory club for pupils in Forms 5 and 6. All 5 pupils who have taken their Grade 1 have passed with Distinction. Hopefully, these pupils will now progress and achieve Grade 5 theory by the time they reach Form 8. Grade 5 theory is an extremely challenging exam, and it is all credit to our music department that they are able to support the children to get to this point.

In Form 2’s PSHCE lessons this term, they have been thinking about how they can help the planet. Children decided to recycle empty large plastic water bottles into fabulous garden spirals! I have seen them hanging in the garden outside the Nursery and everyone loves how they glisten in the sun and appear to dance in the wind! What a great idea.

Move-up morning was a success and it lovely to see so many parents coming in to meet the new teachers for next year (and sit on tiny chairs in the Junior Prep classrooms!).  We also welcomed some of the new starters for September too.

Form 7 are having a great time in the Brecon Beacons. They have been wild camping and trekking and enjoying some good weather.

In the science department, Mrs Evans invited Jo Richardson from Space Detectives into school to run a workshop for our Form 8s. It was a fascinating session and pupils learnt all about exoplanets and how they are detected. It was a hands-on workshop and they carried out investigations to see how exoplanets affect the light levels and movement of distant stars.

Sasha Mae in Form 3 is a gifted swimmer and I was pleased to see that she brought in her latest hall of awards to show us this morning! She has achieved an impressive Stage 9 Swim England award by swimming 64 lengths of Weymouth pool! Sasha Mae tells me she found the Rainbow Distance 1 mile award the most challenging, and that she has also achieved a 1500m award (ASA Rainbow) and a Swimming Challenge Gold award (Swim England). Well done, Sasha Mae we are all very proud of you.

Lastly, this Friday is a home clothes day for pupils in return for a jolly jar or cake donation for the Summer Fayre. I hope to see you there!