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A good start to the week, on Monday, we enjoyed home baked biscuits brought in by Iris and Daisy. Each was beautifully decorated with their national flag to celebrate Norway’s Constitution Day.

Also on Monday, Form 4 headed off on their residential to Brenscombe. I will not say too much now because Mrs Moss will be giving us the low-down on their adventure next Wednesday.

The high winds put pay to sailing this week but the cricketers were hardier and carried on. I think Mr Stazicker was secretly relieved as he was rather sleep deprived after the residential the day before!

The long awaited bike shed is under construction and we must thank the PTFA for funding this. Will S. in Form 8 has championed this cause and I am so pleased for him it is finally here. The aim is that more children and staff will be encouraged to cycle to school. I am hoping we can have an official PTFA unveiling in due course.

It is good to hear the sound of singing in school. The senior vocal group has recommenced and they sound much better without the face masks!

Next week we have cricket fixtures with Castle Court. Unfortunately there will not be any spectators but children are really looking forward to it. Mr Willemse has been very careful to comply with all Covid guidelines.

We encourage our children to speak out on issues they feel strongly about and earlier in the week, I received a beautiful hand-written letter from Lottie in Form 3 requesting a new rubbish bin in the low ropes play area. She had persuaded her whole class to sign it, including her class teacher Mrs Johnstone! They presented such a well-reasoned case showing concern for the environment that I hand wrote a reply to say I would arrange this for them. Les and Ray went quickly to work. You can see the fruits of their labour in the photo. Great work, Lottie and all of Form 3.

It looks like this wet and windy is set to continue but I wish you a relaxing weekend.

Nancy Sewed

Author Nancy Sewed

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