What glorious weather we are enjoying at last! It has been so lovely seeing the school drenched in sunshine and the children playing in the sun! Fingers crossed for a much sunnier Spring!
In assembly on Friday we started our day with one of our Aladdin songs as we prepare for our big whole school production which is just 3 weeks away! Hopefully you have all bought your tickets – it’s going to be fantastic!
We had a lot to celebrate in assembly today. In Literacy Gold, Manu, Joni, Rosie, Amelka and Millie received a certificate for achieving their next level and Felix C, Lottie, Baxter, Daisy, Amelka and Nikolas received their Sparks Gold Reader certificates. Well done certificates were awarded to Elodie, Samson, Olivia, Tabitha, Ava S and Grace. Finally Guy and Sonny H received the Commitment award, Mila and Grace the compassion award, Coco and Sofia the Courage award and Sasha and Alice the Creativity award. Good work everyone!
On Tuesday Mrs Nolan-Stone took 6 of our senior musicians to attend a jazz day at Sherborne School. The pupils took part in various jazz workshops and improvisation classes, culminating in a performance for parents alongside of Sherborne’s Jazz Band. It was a hugely rewarding day for all our young musicians, and I was incredibly proud of the progress achieved by all.
On Tuesday, a group of our Form 6 students took part in a Junior Science Day at Bryanston.
They had a chance to explore some simple hands on experiments, had a lecture about gases including lots of pops and bangs and after a delicious lunch they had to solve the mystery of the missing Nobel Prize! With hands on activities in Biology, Chemistry and Physics they were completely immersed in Science!
Form 7 started their electricity topic off this week by looking at static electricity. They had great fun looking at the sparks produced by our Van de Graaff generator, before an intrepid few placed their hands on the dome. Once they became electrically charged their hair began to repel each other, causing it to stand on end. Zoom in to get a better view!
Form 7 also enjoyed their first of a series of field trips this term on the sunniest day of the year so far! History and geography are linked this term with the idea of smuggling in Dorset (in a historical context). For our first trip this week Mr Stazicker and Mrs Smith took them to a couple of locations on Chesil beach trying to answer the question of whether smugglers could tell where they had landed by only looking at the pebbles. Once we have studied the data collected we will be able to answer the question! This will lead to studying the processes that take place on beaches and a future trip to Lulworth Cove. In history, they will be visiting the Dorset Records Centre and studying records of life in the village of Swyre and evidence for smuggling in the 18th Century.
With the lovely sunshine this week, Liz has been busy in the garden with all her gardening classes.
As part of their topic on the Vikings, Form 4 designed and made some super Viking shields! They learnt about the importance of Viking shields and how they were the primary defence for most Viking warriors. The children thought carefully about their designs as decorating the shields was a huge part of Viking culture.
Next week is World Book Day, one of my favourite events of the year! I am looking forward to seeing the children’s costumes!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!