This week is Exam Week for our senior pupils. We plan this process very carefully to ensure children are well supported throughout and that stress levels are kept to a minimum. Exams for most pupils in Forms 6-8 take place in the school hall in the morning, with a variety of activities to let off steam in the afternoon. Form 5 take their exams in their usual classrooms.
Whilst it is essential to consider children’s well-being, I do believe exam technique is a useful skill which can be improved with practise. Children benefit from practising working under timed conditions in low stakes exams. During the marking of papers, teachers can gauge how well a unit of work has been ‘absorbed’ by each pupil and analysis of the resulting data helps us plan next steps to move learning forward.
In Pre-Prep, children in Nursery to Form 2 are enjoying the start of their Creative Arts Week. Classes are being mixed up with lots of activities going on based around the Jubilee theme. These include cake baking, making crowns, creating the Queen’s Knicker’s Story, maypole dancing and making a Jubilee Wall Hanging for Compass Lobby. I am looking forward to seeing all the arts, crafts and activities which will be showcased at our Jubilee Tea Party to be held this Thursday.
Each child was given a special Jubilee commemorative badge and we hope everyone will wear them on Thursday.
The PTFA are busy organising the Summer Fayre and posters have gone up around school. The raffle tickets will be going home in children’s bags soon!