Last night, we held our Form 5 Parents evening online. It was a successful event and I am pleased to say the internet held up after a wobble earlier during the day!
Our Junior Prep U8 & U9 boys played hockey at home against Sherborne Prep on Tuesday. Mr Willemse, our Head of Games, said the matches were very enjoyable with big improvements in positional play and pressing skills. The boys were very excited to play despite the very windy conditions. Fortunately, the weather was at least dry for their matches and we won 2 and lost 2 so a balanced result!

Auditions have begun this week for our ever popular ‘Sunninghill’s Got Talent’ competition where children put together their own acts. Mrs Nolan-Stone, our Director of Music, is running the auditions during music and drama lessons and there is much secrecy involved! The event will be held later in the term on the 25th March so you may like to save the date.

In school we have a fabulous Junior Strings Ensemble, which was onlystarted at the beginning of the Spring Term. Mrs Hawes has been busy rehearsing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ with them for the Informal Music Concert after half term. We hear that Form 1 pupils are very excited to be joining them to form an orchestra at some point. I shall definitely be putting this date in my diary and share it with you.