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A warm welcome back! There was a real buzz of nervous excitement around school this morning and it was a pleasure to be on the gate to greet everyone.

A special welcome to all our new starters. George’s dog Wiggy decided to escort George right up to the door this morning and did a brilliant job at helping him to get settled!

We started the day with our first whole school assembly in a long time. Form 1 children did not even know what one was but enjoyed joining in the singing!

Monday was the first of 2 staff training days. You can see staff making the most of the sunshine when choosing a location for their group work activity! It was a productive day and a great way for new staff to get to know everyone.

There have been some building works over the summer. The girls were delighted to find their toilets had been given a complete makeover taking on a modern sleek look. In the hall we have a new high definition projector system which will give presentations a boost.

Heidi’s dad was busy on site yesterday to work on the trees. His work was important for the school to ensure children can continue to play safely in our wooded low ropes area. Sam is pictured somewhere up a tree!

It has been a busy first day in school. Mrs Sleightholme was delighted at how quickly the Reception children settled into school life and Form 1 children had their first music lesson with Mrs Nolan-Stone who is back from her maternity leave. Mrs Moss in Form 4 took her class outside for a fun icebreaker activity. Children were all keen to get the play equipment out at break-time and it was great to see friends catching-up.