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In normal years, Form 5 would have a big transition to make, moving up to Senior Prep for the first time. They’d have a roving timetable to navigate around specialist rooms. COVID precautions have caused a rethink to this and as a result Form 5 live and work in what was the Music Room. It seems to be working well for them and us, with specialist teachers visiting them rather than the other way round.

They’re a very sociable bunch and love their lunches and downtime. It was sticky toffee pudding for desert today, a treat that went down very well, and twice for some!

The boys seem to have had a school-long love of the low ropes and building dens. The girls are far more theatrical and dance oriented. Their mixed-gender sports lessons have gone really well.

Our “newbies” have settled in really well and are football mad, never roaming far from the 5-a-side pitch each break and lunch.

Mr Willemse is their ever-attentive and caring tutor who manages to combine caring and demanding at the same time. He’s a fan of sending a weekend School Ping to you all.