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It is Red Nose Day today so we started the day with a special fun assembly. It was lovely to see many of our younger children choosing to wear superhero costumes Well done to the winners of our whole school ‘Heads and Tails’ game. Sam in Form 8 and Caprice in Form 2 each won the chocolate prize! Form 4 helped boost our fundraising efforts with a cake sale at breaktime which raised £136. All money raised from today will be sent to the Comic Relief charity.

Back at the start of February, Mrs Smith organised a competition to promote Safer Internet Day. Congratulations go to Arthur in Form 2 and Iris in Form 3, who are joint winners of the Junior Prep competition and to Iris in Form 6 and Alex B. in Form 7, who are joint winners of the Senior Prep competition. Many thanks to all of those pupils who entered and spent time creating such imaginative entries. Mrs Smith said she was encouraged to see that many of the children who feel empowered by the internet are increasingly aware of the negative factors too.

Some of our Form 8 boys enjoyed a cross country event at Milton Abbey with Mr Willemse. The weather was lovely and track was great. Astral was in the lead for a lot of the race but unfortunately slipped and lost his footing. All the boys ran really well, well done to them.

We are grateful to Dean and Beth from the Space Youth Project who came into school to give an introductory level talk about LGBTQ to our Form 6. The children asked plenty of questions about gender and sexual orientation and all wanted to be LGBTQ+ allies. We look forward to welcoming back Dean and Beth next Wednesday when they will be talking to Forms 7 and 8.

We are a dog loving community as you know, and I could not resist sharing this lovely photo of Georgiana’s dog Polly!

Thank you to Mrs Wilson who organised a fabulous trip on Monday for our pupils from Forms 6, 7 & 8 to visit the Sports Village at Bath University plus a chance to watch a Vitality Super League match live! Team Bath were playing Loughborough Lightning. The fast-paced game was an hour long, divided into four quarters. It was highly competitive with scores level going into the final quarter but Loughborough Lightning moved up a gear to secure the win 53 – 44!

It was nice to see both girls and boys enjoying and appreciating the skills, speed and accuracy of the shooters the game demands. An expected highlight of the trip was a chance meeting with the Bath and England Rugby Union player Jonathan Joseph who was watching in the row behind! He was more than happy to have his photo taken with them. Great to see rugby players supporting another sport.

Last night, we enjoyed our second informal music concert of the term which featured our Senior Prep pupils on a wide range of instruments, plus vocalists. The standard was unbelievably high and it proved to be a quite an emotive evening. Thank you to Mrs Hume who kindly sent in some photographs.

I am looking forward to dusting off the BBQ tomorrow for my sister’s birthday celebrations! I hope you have a lovely weekend.