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It has been a very busy morning in school, and we were delighted with the large number of families that attended our Open Day. Our Form 8 pupils certainly all enjoyed being tour guides. It is so useful for prospective parents to have an opportunity to talk with current pupils directly.

A fire alarm allowed us all the chance to get out and enjoy the sunshine unexpectedly yesterday. Mrs Evans said her experiment with the Form 7 class setting fire to Starburst sweets in the lab could possibly have been the catalyst! I am pleased to confirm there was no damage done and everyone evacuated the building quickly.

At Sunninghill, our dedicated staff are always prepared to go the extra mile to nurture talent in every area of the curriculum. Congratulations to Archie G who has been awarded a Sports Scholarship to Milton Abbey. Archie is a tremendous rugby talent and his scholarship recognises his outstanding rugby performances. Archie recently competed in the IAPS Rugby Festival against schools from all over the country. He was even awarded the ‘player of the tournament’ by the referees for his exceptional play.

Our congratulations also to William BK who has been awarded a Music Exhibition to Bryanston School. William particularly enjoys playing the double bass, drums and guitar. Sunninghill are very proud of his well-deserved award. We wish him every success at his new school in September, where we are sure he will continue to grow his passion for music.

Next week, Forms 5 and 6 are looking forward to a science workshop on Monday. On Tuesday, we have our whole school photo and the PTFA are meeting on Thursday to plan the Summer Fayre (Saturday 25th June). The student council have organised a World Culture Day on Friday and we have our Formal Music concert to finish the week!

Have a lovely weekend.