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Not to be outdone by Form 1’s trip to Lyme Regis on Friday, Nursery and Reception visited the newly revamped Dorchester Museum on yesterday. I chatted with Reception about it this morning and they particularly liked all the interactive elements such as dressing up in period costumes.

A mixed age group of budding musicians were excited to be chosen to attend the Bryanston Music Day on Tuesday. It has been running a few years now, and it was nice to see some siblings of the inaugural group attending. The standard was extremely high as you would expect and children gained a great deal from the specialist workshops.

‘Rugby Rocks’ organised a two-day Dorchester Rugby Festival last weekend. Thank you to Mrs Hemingway for sending in this photo of five of our boys who put in a fabulous performance in the U8 team. Back row: Harry W, Max H, Front row: Finlay H, Phineas S and Ted S.

Congratulations to Kitty S who took her National Grade 4 gymnastics grading and passed with a highly commended! We are so proud of her as she has fought through a serious mental block on beam following her ankle injuries. Despite falling off the hideous 4-inch-wide plank of wood, she still managed to come away with a commendation. Countless hours of physical and mental training have contributed to Kitty’s achievement. She tells me she is already preparing for the next grade!

The sun has been shining which was perfect for the start of the cricket season with fixtures at home this afternoon.