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This morning we were delighted to welcome our Form 5 parents to the Form 5 Assembly, where we were all treated to a slideshow and presentation about their fabulous residential to the Wye Valley. They spoke so eloquently, and you could see just how much they enjoyed themselves from all the fabulous photos and stories that they shared. As I said after their presentation, the residentials really do give the children so much – and really do build on all their 4 school values – commitment, compassion, creativity and above all courage!

Daisy, Sasha-Mae and Callisto delighted us with their musical performances and we are looking forward to seeing Max perform at a future assembly, as technical issues meant that he was not able to play his saxophone today.

Also in Assembly today, we celebrated the good work from Alice, Mina, Felix, Sasha-Mae and Finlay. Academic Excellence Cups were awarded to AJ, Ivy, Juliet, Mabel, Emily P, Max, Sophia, Millie and Daisy. We also awarded our final holiday reading challenge certificates, together with our Form 5 Cracking the Code certificates.

Maumbury were the winning house and Louis N and Juliet S will be raising the flag for their house when we return after half term – when the weather is a little kinder!

We are absolutely delighted to announce that our Sunninghill sailing team won the Autumn Series Schools Sailing Regatta on Wednesday evening! The event was attended by 4 schools including Millfield, Wey Valley and Beaminster. Our pupils were up against some much older opposition. Mr Stazicker tells me that our team of 8 were in 4 Fevas sailed a tough course in gusts of 25 knots. Gold medals went to Freddie and Will and the winners trophy went to Sunninghill. We are all very proud of our fabulous sailors.

Reception, Nursery and Form 1 have been enjoying the great outdoors this week, creating some fabulous Autumn leaf rubbings, and some wonderful clay masks in Forest School. Please do take some time to look at them as they are super!

Reception have also enjoyed some time with their Form 4 buddies who look after them in the classroom and look out for them around school. It is lovely to see these friendships develop between year groups and we know how much Reception value their time with their older buddies.

On Tuesday, Forms 3 and 4 competed in their inter-house football competition. Great play, super teamwork and fabulous sportsmanship were all on display on the football pitch! Congratulations to Purbeck who were the champions of the day!

Form 4 enjoyed a fantastic day at Bovington Tank Museum on Thursday. They learnt about air raids, D-Day and rationing – and even enjoyed a WW2 rationed lunch as Kerry, our Head of Catering, very kindly researched what foods would have been readily available. There were no crisps, plastic or chocolate in sight! A really informative day for them all.

Form 2 had a lovely trip to the library today. They met lots of people who worked at the library and had a tour of all the different parts, including places where usually only the staff are allowed. They learnt about the Dewey system and Mary the librarian read a lovely story called ‘Little Red’. Form 2 got their very own library card and they each took a book out. Overall, a fantastic trip!

Last week we let you know about the planter that our senior gardening club are looking after in Dorchester High Street. This week the children re-planted it and it looks wonderful! Please go and admire it next time you are in town!

A few dates for your diary:

Monday 6th November – BEATFiT

– By popular request a new exercise class for parents – straight after school drop off on a Monday at 8.10am. First session is free. Please contact Cath, from Raw4Fitness, on 07841 864586 for more information.
Thursday 16th November is the PTFA Q-INGO night!
– A quiz, followed by a Thai meal, followed by Bingo – £15 per head. Details to follow…
Thursday 6th December – PTFA Xmas Fayre
4.30pm – 6.30pm – more details to follow

It has been an incredibly busy half term and I am so grateful to you all for all your support. The Open Morning was a huge success last weekend, and we have already had 2 families register to start with us next year from the event, and two taster days booked in. It was fantastic to have so many children in school – and my thanks go to them all – and especially to our Form 7 and 8 tour guides who were absolutely brilliant. Tammy and I received so many words of appreciation from prospective parents – who were so impressed with their maturity and love of their school. It shone through in their tours.

Our next Open Morning is Saturday 3rd February – so if you possibly can, please keep it free so we can have as many children there as possible.

Have a wonderful half term break and I look forward to seeing you all refreshed after the holiday.

Best wishes
