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With the half term holiday approaching, we took some time today in assembly to reflect on all the things that we are grateful for. Family, teachers, friends, outdoor education, residentials, music, food and clean water were all things the children told me that they were grateful for. This was particularly poignant as we recently arranged a zoom call with the school in Malawi where ILG have a link, that the team of Sunninghill runners recently donated too. They really do not take what little they have for granted and it was a very humbling call with them.

This term was exam week, and our Senior Prep pupils have all been working incredibly hard, and trying their very best. Well done everyone.

Our well done winners this week were AJ, Mina, Emily P, Elizabeth, all of Form 3, all of Form 6, Sonny S, Millie, Phin, Max, Fin and Daisy. Mina and Lottie also raised the flag for Purbeck this week with the most house points.

This week Remi and Felix won the Courage award, Mabel and Sasha won the Commitment award, Joni and Jonah won the Creativity award, and Grace and Lottie won the Compassion award. I was also delighted to award Guy and Martha their pen licence!

I was absolutely delighted to congratulate all our sailors who took part in the National IAPs sailing competition at the Weymouth and Portland Sailing Academy this week. Our U11 did incredibly well and our U13 came 4th overall, our of 23 schools, with Freddie and Will coming 3rd out of the 36 boats. An absolutely incredible achievement. Well done to you all!

This week there has been a big focus on the environment, with visits from Dorset Environment Recycling for Nursery, Reception and Form 1. Form 3 had the pleasure of meeting Oly Rush from the charity Project Planet Earth this week. He is the head of a local charity that raises money to fight marine litter. He talked to the children about all the Jurassic Coast beach cleans he does and his endurance swimming challenges he has taken part in to help raise money and awareness. He also brought in his recycled shark ‘Matey’! The children were able to share with him their passion for the cause and showed off their ‘Save Our Seas’ t-shirts they made for their assembly. They decided that they would like to do more to help raise money and support his cause.

Nursery have also been learning about composting in the gardening sessions with Liz and enjoyed feeding the compost bin!

Forms 5 and 7 released the butterflies this week that they have raised from caterpillars to recap the work they had done on insect life cycles and metamorphosis. The butterflies enjoyed warming up on their hands and then being placed on some of our beautiful flowers.

As the sun came out this week, it has been lovely to see some learning outside. Form 1 enjoyed their art lesson outside, drawing the school building.

We have also had a few trips out this week with Fledglings going for their first trip to the library today. Form 2 had a lovely picnic and play in the park today. Thankfully the sun came out and the children had lots of fun playing together. A great end to the half term!

Please do take a look at the school newsletter this week as it includes lots of dates for what will be an incredibly busy half term!

Finally, I will leave you with a picture of Romeo as he enjoyed his lunch of Turkey Dinosaurs – his choice for getting the most housepoints! Credit to Kerry and her team, for always delivering whatever it is the children choose when they have this option as a prize! They even had the Jurassic Park theme tune playing throughout lunch – on repeat! They really are amazing!

Have a wonderful and restful half term everyone!

Best wishes


David Newberry

Author David Newberry

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