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Today is ‘Number Day’ at Sunninghill, in support of the NSPCC! The school is filled with number shirts and hats as the children partake in an array of maths based activities. The children had a special assembly led by Mrs Salisbury, supported by our maths prefects, Charlie and Lucy. The children had to work out a magic number as they learnt more about the NSPCC. At break time we held a cake sale, with some very impressive number themed cakes. We have raised a fabulous £194.10 for the NSPCC – thank you for all your generous support.

On the subject of charity, the School Council, and their classmates, have requested that the Sunninghill community do something to raise money for the tragedy that has unfolded this week in Syria and Turkey. They have asked that on the first Friday back after half term, 24th February, we hold a home clothes day and cake sale to raise money for those affected by the earthquake. It is lovely to hear their voices and I commend their empathy and compassion for others and as a school we are delighted to support this initiative, as I am sure you will too. Please can we ask you to bring cake donations in on that day and any donations for non uniform that you are comfortable with.

Form 4 complete their buddy project with the Glencairn Care Home this afternoon. I have been absolutely delighted to run this lovely project and see the relationships flourish between the residents and our wonderful pupils.

This term they have played games, written biographies, cooked together and today Form 4 will be sharing their LAMDA poems with their buddies and performing a mini musical concert. Here are some quotes from our Year 4’s:

We laugh and have fun and talk to each other. Brenda is the best buddy ever!
I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.
I really enjoyed learning about her and I had a great time.
I loved it because at the start it felt sort of awkward but now it’s so fun!
It was amazing because I got to talk about what countries you have been to.

After half term we are going to invite our buddies to come for afternoon tea here in school, and we hope that some of our Form 4 parents will be able to join us to meet their child’s buddy. The residents are also excited to have been invited to watch their buddies perform in Moana!

It was lovely to see a few Form 8’s supporting the Form 3 and 4 games lesson yesterday. They did such a great job helping the sports staff, and the younger children really enjoyed having them in their lesson.

Last Saturday we had a very successful Reception Open Morning. New, prospective and current parents in Nursery and Reception came together for a fabulous morning of activities, tea and cake – all based around the Rainbow Fish theme. Our Early Years Team did a wonderful job and we had such positive feedback from all the parents who attended.

At the same time last Saturday, Mr Holland ran the first of our parent and child Saturday morning tennis, which was a great success. We are hoping to run this once a month, with the next date being Saturday 11th March. If you would like to attend, please message

A couple more dates for your diary:

Friday 3rd March – PTFA School Disco
Saturday 11th March – Saturday morning parent and child tennis
Thursday 16th and Friday 17th March – Moana Production
Friday 12th May – Wine tasting evening for parents and staff (details to follow)

Moana rehearsals are going really well and the children are really enjoying themselves. I was delighted by a visit from Form 6 on Wednesday who came in to sing ‘You’re Welcome’ in my office! Hopefully today you will have received my letter giving full details about our Moana performances on the 16th and 17th March. In the interests of fairness, tickets will ONLY be available to buy via the Ping form that will go out on Wednesday 22nd February at 8am. They will be numbered tickets this year and sold on a first come first served basis. Our thanks must go to Mrs Nolan-Stone who is masterminding this ambitious production – and is also celebrating a very special birthday today! The children all sang happy birthday to her in assembly – which made her cry!

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our very hard working pupils and staff a happy, restful and well deserved half term break.


Guest editor – Georgiana, Form 7