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Our Form 7 and 8 home-school class have had a lot of fun in science this week studying thermal decomposition. They were investigating how sodium hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate of soda) releases carbon dioxide when heated. More simply, they made delicious honeycomb! I will be honest, looking at the photos I was reminded of a crunchie bar. I hope our excellent Head of Science, Mme Shilliday, allows them to make the missing chocolate coating in a later lesson.

In school, Form 7 have been learning about mandala’s in enrichment. A mandala, which is Sanskrit for ‘circle’ is a geometric design that holds a great deal of symbolism in Hindu and Buddhist cultures.

Here are some photos of their completed designs for you to enjoy.

Yesterday, I met virtually with our dedicated class reps who play a very important function in school. It was useful to be able to discuss our full return to school plans for Monday. I was delighted to hear how well home-school pupils are enjoying their live lessons this term.

Lastly, a reminder it is World Book Day tomorrow. I would like to thank Mrs Fernley and Mrs Moss for organising all the activities. We hope our home-school children will also dress up in their favourite character from a book. Do try and send in a photo to Mandy.