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Yesterday saw the first class reps meeting of the year take place with a representative from each form gathering (socially distanced and sanitised) in the school hall.

We talked about the school improvement plan for the year ahead and my thoughts on the educational and pastoral welfare of the school.

As you might imagine, COVID 19 was an ever present common denominator throughout the morning. You asked how we can find many and different ways to return to some sort of normality on a whole range of issues from school buses, after school care, matches and much more.

In particular we discussed our preparations for what might happen when an individual or class has to self isolate for two weeks and what might happen if we have to go back into full lockdown again.

A full set of minutes is always provided to the reps who then disseminate relevant information to each form.

On your behalf I thank the reps for the sterling job they do in maintaining open channels of communication with the school and for professionally bring to my attention issues of concern. Without this we are powerless to either correct misinformation, nip a minor concern in the bud or address an issue or more major concern.

It’s a sometimes tricky meeting as you might imagine but there are also many lighter moments and plenty of occasions when a teacher or event or change to procedure gets high praise.

The topic of food was raised by two “newbies”. There was a hush in the room and a piece of tumbleweed blew across the hall. Mixed sport was also hotly debated.

You’ll notice there are no photos from the meeting. Meu culpa, forgot the school camera!

I also forgot to tell you about our new member of staff joining us on Monday 12th October. Stuart Holland will be our new learning assistant across Senior Prep. Not only is he very experienced in the classroom, but he’s also a great football coach.