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Form 2 are currently to be found AWOL in the depths of the highlands, exploring Katie Morag, trying to understand what life on the island of Struay is like.

This has included making their own tartan, wearing kilts and learning to speak Scottish. They’ll be highland flinging, eating neaps and tatties and singing Scottish songs. There must be a bagpipe in there somewhere.

I’m not certain what the children will be doing!

It’s all part of making learning fun and “in situ” which is really important as the level of difficulty becomes more taxing and the all important challenge of becoming a free reader is on the horizon.

Form 2 is also a year when the children sit KS1 SATs – a national DfE test completed by nearly all children of this age and stage. The “edstats” from this form the first part of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that Mrs Sewed and I carefully track to check where each child is against national expectations and our own target for them. Please don’t rush out to buy a practice test and start rehearsing. We use the results as a measure of key skills and how a child applies themselves, rather than as a summative store of knowledge.