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A lovely mixed bag to share with you today.

Form 7’s have been enjoying learning about sculpture in their Art lessons with Mrs Saines. Despite losing her lovely studio, Susan continues to deliver lessons of the highest quality, nomadically roaming the school with all her resources. It has not dented any of her enthusiasm or creativity.

In Science, Form 6 have been finding out about different microorganisms in their “Living Things and Classifications” Unit. They were challenged to design their own microorganisms which had characteristics of specific cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic). They made them out of playdough and displayed them in petri dishes. There was much amusement from describing the behaviour of their characteristics and I hope that some of them do not become a reality. Max’s microorganism can add 100 years on to human life – which would certainly make an interesting debate!

Elsewhere in school, Bonnie continues to keep the “littlies” busy. She naturally gravitates to them and they to her.

Form 8’s are in their new room – I’ll blog on their first Common Room day tomorrow. Excitement is at fever pitch. With this new privilege comes an added responsibility that I am certain they will all rise to. They are also gearing themselves up for their second golf lesson. We have managed to buy some superb clubs and low velocity golf balls that don’t fly so far. If we can’t get to the golf course the golf course will have to come to us. We haven’t found many contenders for the master’s yet but we’re all trying hard. Will S leads the “stats” in distance from the tee and highest percentage of fairways hit (in other words he manages to keep his drives within the confines of the astro!)

Don’t forget it’s non-uniform day tomorrow with a small donation sent in to support Children in Need.