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I hope you managed to join us for our Remembrance Service today. It was well received and observed by the children and teachers. The kitchen staff provided hot chocolate and poppy cup cakes. A special treat for special children!

I shan’t categorise today’s blog under “Healthy eating” but every now and then we all deserve a naughty treat!

Thanks to Mr and Mrs Nolan-Stone and Mrs Moss for their creative genius, to Kevin Penfold for his brilliant musical solo, to Mrs Thorpe and Mrs Hill for the lovely art work and to all the children who took part.

We laid a wreath and crosses alongside Steve’s tree and Daisy B showed her class her great grandfather’s medals.

The service also touched more than a few hearts and minds in our community.

One parent wrote, “Thank you for letting us share this special service.  Beautifully done in these challenging times. My mum reminded me when we spoke at the weekend that it is easy for us to grumble about the current restrictions we are all facing and how it is making our lives difficult but that it pales into into significance when we remember that both my grandfathers gave up five years of their lives fighting for us and being held as prisoners of war.  I shared this with our boys as we remembered the sacrifices that others have made for us and are still making”.

Lest we forget!