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This week is ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’ and I really like the ‘Nature’ theme chosen for this year. Mrs Smith, our Designated Safeguarding Lead, was quick to arrange a competition for our children to enter. Details can be found on ‘Seesaw’ and the deadline for photographs or short films on the theme of connecting with nature is Monday 24th May.

Liz, our Head Gardener has also been keen to promote the health benefits of spending time in nature. She has worked with several classes this week and Form 4 can be seen planting up a new hedge.

On Tuesday, I met with our Class Reps online. This is always a useful opportunity to exchange ideas and share feedback. I like to think our next meeting can be face to face over a cup of tea!

Mr Stazicker and Mrs Moss have been busy preparing Form 4 for their residential next week to Brenscombe. We are so excited to be able to take the children away again and share this enriching experience. We will be sharing photos when we receive them.

A new cup for the cabinet! We have a glass cabinet of school sporting trophies in reception and today a new giant-sized trophy has been added and it has nothing to do with sport!

Dorchester Casterbridge Rotary Club came in to school this morning to present a new trophy for the winning script in their Annual Young Writers Competition (Intermediate Age Group).

This is to be awarded annually and we are proud that the first winner is Poppy S in Form 8. Club President, Vanessa Lucas came to school to make the presentation supported by Committee Chair, Rachel Dunford and Rowland Cornell, who has promoted the youth competitions for many years in Dorchester.

An unexpected treasure was brought in to Mme Shilliday in the science lab this week. Lydia’s family very kindly donated microscope slides that were used by her grandfather. His name was Sir Malcolm Keith Sykes and he used them throughout his medical career as a consultant anaesthetist and also a lecturer at Oxford, passing away at the grand age of 94. They are all in their original wooden boxes and specimens include hedgehog hair and plant roots. It is a great opportunity for pupils to develop their observation skills and staff are also looking forward to working our way through the box with our microscopes! We are very grateful to Lydia’s family for donating these to the school.

All change for Monday, as children will no longer have to wear face coverings in class or around school.

I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Nancy Sewed

Author Nancy Sewed

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