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Last week Lex Gibbon came to school to talk to Forms 5 to 8 about mental health, body image and cyber bullying.

Lex is a singer and songwriter who has recorded successful music videos and is tipped for huge success in the music industry in 2021. She was the first plus size teenager to walk the cat walk in London, Paris and New York!

She was badly bullied at school which led to her having her own mental health issues. She performed four songs to the children, two of which she has written, and talked about being body confident and having personal resilience. In total she has composed over 50 songs, two of which have been released, a phenomenal achievement for someone who is only sixteen!

The children thoroughly enjoyed her visit and gave very positive feedback.

I loved Lex so much because she was so positive even when talking about a sensitive subject, and her smile was so uplifting. Her songs were superb and her voice is gorgeous. I think that she is brilliant because she went through a lot when she was young, but was resilient and now she is helping others.

I liked it that Lex shared her life with us and told us how to deal with stress and bullying. She was brave telling us about what had happened in her life.

I learnt about what body image is and not to listen to anybody being mean or rude to you.

Lex was honest about her story and her songs added a friendly effect. She was very positive about herself considering her youth. She came as herself and didn’t try to hide her personality.

Lex is an incredible singer who has been through a lot of online hate and bullying. It was very eye opening to listen to her songs and especially her story. She now doesn’t care what people think and she said that people who bully have their own problems and have nothing better to do. I think it is incredible that she is only sixteen!

I look forward to more guest visits supporting our PSHE curriculum.

Karen King
Well-being Co-ordinator

Karen King

Author Karen King

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