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Music has always played an important role at Sunninghill. We recognise how important it is in providing children with a well-rounded education. Self-esteem, concentration, confidence and general well-being all benefit from playing a musical instrument, particularly as part of a group.

Mrs Moss and Mrs Nolan-Stone organise a virtual concert at the end of each term to give pupils the opportunity to perform on a virtual platform – no easy task! This terms music project is well under way and we hope that the whole Sunninghill community will once again come together to record the chosen song. More details will follow.

I was impressed last spring at how quickly our peripatetic teachers were able to adapt to online learning. Music lessons have continued throughout lockdown and my thanks for their dedication.

Here are photos of a few of the children taken during their online music lessons. It is lovely to see lessons provided on such a wide range of instruments.