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I awoke this morning with a sneaking suspicion that there might be a sprinkling of snow on the ground, though t’was not to be. Still, we live in hope and at least the Beast from the East is still with us. There was a lovely icy crust on the ground and there were no muddy dogs to clean when we returned from our early morning constitution. If we ever do get enough snow to get out sledging, we will have a real dilemma as in theory we can keep home schooling but I sincerely you’ll all opt (if you possibly can) to truant for the day and get cold and wet and happy!

To raise the spirits (and internal temperatures) Form 2 home schoolers have been learning to draw koalas with Mrs Thorpe. It reminded me of a picture taken with Rosie (now 21). The reality of cuddly koalas is they can be quite grumpy and don’t quite have the aromatic fragrance of a perfume counter!

Back to the theme of today’s blog (I’m easily side-tracked!).  Today is Safer Internet Day. In a recent survey, 77% of teenagers said the internet has become ever more important to them during the pandemic. Despite this, 48% have encountered misleading information every day and 62% say they have had friend requests from people they do not know. If you mix the above three pieces of information together you will fully realise why it is ever more important to be vigilant and for us all to furnish children with the skills they need to safely navigate the wonders of the internet.