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Last Thursday was Holocaust Memorial Day, held annually on 27th January to remember the millions of people who died during the Holocaust, under Nazi persecution, and in the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. The date marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, where more than a million people died during the Second World War. To commemorate the event this year, Dorchester Town Council and the South West Dorset Multicultural Network, with the support of Dorset Council, have been working with the local community, Kushti Bok, and several Dorset schools to create a short film made by Pageant Productions, to reflect on this year’s theme ‘One Day’.

Our thanks to Mrs Fernley, our Head of English, who has organised some very moving contribution, and empathetic contributions from 4 pupils in Form 7, Charlie, Lucy, Alex B and Felix. You can watch the film below.

It was the RSPB Big Bird Count last week and we have really enjoyed celebrating this in school. Bird feeders have sprung up all over the gardens and Liz has been educating the next generation of bird lovers in Nursery, Reception and Form 1.

Children have been delighted by the wide range of birds spotted but blue tits and robins are still the favourites!

On Wednesday, games staff improvised after fixtures had to be cancelled. Pupils were far from disappointed when Mr Stazicker set up the archery targets. Pictured are Katie and Kitty who were delighted with their excellent scores!

Lastly, we are a school of animal lovers and I can’t resist including this lovely photo of Sasha-Mae with Ivy the pug!

Nancy Sewed

Author Nancy Sewed

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