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The annual small group trips to Poundbury Garden Centre to visit the Christmas display started this morning. I think the excited Nursery and Reception children were looking forward to their trip on the mini bus nearly as much as being able to buy a decoration!

As part of their WWII topic, Form 4 have been learning about Morse Code. It was great to see three pupils from Form 8 supporting Form 4 in the Science room this afternoon. They were challenged to build an electrical circuit to create their own Morse Code machine. The 3 willing volunteers Sam, Thomas and Will B helped Form 4 to write and send Morse Code messages using their machines.

During Friday Enrichment with Mrs Salisbury, the children have been making decorations for the Sunninghill Prep Christmas tree which has been entered into a festival run by St George’s Church. The theme this year is ‘Heroes in Society’. The children are photographed in front of their tree and enjoyed a tour of the other entries!

On Friday we enjoyed out Formal Music. Our thanks to Mrs Nolan-Stone for organising this highly successful evening and also to the children performing and their parents for supporting. I must give a special mention to two of our dedicated peripatetic teachers who played alongside their pupils, Mr Garden and Mrs Hawes. Our very own Mr Vanburgh accompanied on piano.

We treated out lovely Junior Prep teachers to a surprise afternoon tea today as a thank you for the amazing amount of work they put into the Nativity Play.