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Whilst we have a few problems delivering every aspect of the curriculum with specialist teachers moving to form rooms to avoid movement around school, it hasn’t stopped our teachers from being creative.
In Science, Form 8’s have been dissecting chicken legs with Mme Shilliday to better understand how muscles, ligaments and tendons work together.

Form 6’s have been looking at mirrors and reflection using light boxes.

We sneaked in on Mrs Telfer pretending just to take photos of her experiment but we also took the opportunity to present her with a lovely bunch of flowers to celebrate a special landmark birthday!

I think Maggie may have been doing her, “Alas poor Yorick, I knew him Horatio” speech mid-lesson. I’ll give a prize to the first person to send me the Shakespeare play this is from.

Form 4’s have been studying invertebrates and will be dissecting a tiger prawn next week! They have been on “theory” this week trying to decide where a tortoise belongs.

Form 3’s have been on a similar theme looking at the structure of your skeleton.

There has definitely been a “bony” theme this week!