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Short sleeve shirts and day time temperatures of 13°C. Positively balmy for these barmy times! The squirrels certainly have no need to use their drays such as the one you can see silhouetted in the second photo. The Grey is far from my favourite school or garden resident due to the destruction of nesting birds and the havoc they play with my bird feeders. What a shame we don’t have a resident population of Reds like the ones Jo and I saw on our lake District holiday this summer. The third snap is of our rapidly maturing beech hedge that borders the school drive. Beech hedges are lovely as they hold on to their leaves for many months giving a radiant autumnal display for several months. Interestingly, they’re also one of the last to come into bloom in Spring. Finally a shot of some of the many cyclamens Liz has planted around school. No matter what the month, Liz has an amazing skill to keep the school in bloom.