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This week is anti-bullying week. The emphasis on the week is spreading kindness with ‘one kind word’.

On Monday in assembly we discussed what bullying is and how we can respond to it as individuals and as a community. We also talked about who to talk to and tell if you have a worry about yourself or someone else. There were some lovely ideas put forward about making others happy and spreading kindness.

In class this week the children have also been reflecting on some case studies with their tutor and writing some pledges, considering how as individuals they can contribute. In years 5-8 children have also completed questionnaires on their views (parents will also be asked their views shortly) and this will inform our schools policies and pastoral care system.

If anyone has any concerns about their child in school please do speak with their tutor or with myself, Mr Stazicker.

Ian Stazicker

Author Ian Stazicker

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